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Shopify SEO: What Should I Be Doing?

Oct 5, 2022

Shopify is an excellent resource for eCommerce companies, but like any other platform, it needs to be optimized for search engines to get the most traffic and conversions. Here are some things you should be doing to make sure your Shopify store is SEO-friendly:

Use a Paid Shopify Plan

A paid Shopify plan gives you access to features that can help with SEO, such as the ability to use custom redirects and sitemaps. It also removes “powered by Shopify” from your store’s footer. If you use a free trial, all of your content will be deleted when the trial expires, so upgrading to a paid plan is essential.

Set Up Google Analytics and Google Search Console

These tools allow you to track your traffic and performance in Google search results. This data is valuable because it will enable you to see what’s working and what needs to be improved. You can ensure all of your sites are indexed and search engine bots crawl your pages.

Use a Custom Domain Name

A custom domain name is good for SEO because it helps you build brand awareness and credibility. It also makes it simpler for customers to find your store. Your domain name should relate to your niche and be easy to remember.

Use an SEO Tool

A tool like Ahrefs or Semrush can assist in researching keywords, analyzing your competition, and finding link-building opportunities. These tools are essential for any Shopify store that wants to rank well in search engines.

Create a Link-Building Strategy

Link building is vital for any eCommerce business because it helps you develop authority and credibility with search engines. You can create links by guest posting on other blogs, creating helpful resources, and getting listed in directories. The key is to get high-quality links from relevant websites.

Perform Keyword Research

Keyword research is crucial because it allows you to find the right keywords to target. You want to choose relevant keywords for your products, words that have a good amount of traffic but aren’t too expensive when bidding for pay-per-click ads.

Optimize Pages for Target Keywords

The next step is to optimize your pages for the keywords you’ve chosen. This work includes adding keywords to your titles, meta descriptions, and headings. You should also use these words throughout the content of your page. Add alt text to any images, and include them there as well.

Your Shopify pages need to be optimized for both search engines and customers. This optimization means using the right keywords, providing a good user experience, and offering helpful and relevant content. 

Check Page Speed

Page speed is essential for two reasons: first, it affects your SEO, and second, it affects your user experience. If your store takes too long to load, people will leave before seeing your content.

Google wants to provide the best possible experience, so it favors websites that load quickly. You can verify your page speed with tools like Pingdom and GTmetrix.

Analyze Competitor Links

It can be helpful to see how your competitors are building links. You can use an SEO tool like Ahrefs or Semrush to research your competitor’s links. This research will give you an idea of what kind of links they have and how you can get them too.

Make Your Store Mobile-Friendly

Mobile-friendly content is important because more people are using mobile devices to access the internet. Google also gives preference in search results to stores that are mobile-friendly.

Develop a Content Marketing Strategy

A content marketing strategy involves creating valuable media that will attract links and social shares. This content can be blog posts, infographics, or videos. Developing a complete strategy will take some time, but you can start immediately by brainstorming ideas and creating a publishing schedule.

Content marketing is essential for any eCommerce business because it allows you to attract new customers and build trust with your audience. The key is creating helpful and relevant content optimized for search engines.

Remove Duplicate Content

Duplicate content can adversely affect your SEO. It makes your website difficult for search engines to understand and index. Pages that are similar or identical can cause Google to penalize you for duplicate content. To avoid this, use canonical tags so Google can identify the original page.

You can also use 301 redirects to redirect traffic from the duplicate page to the original. If your site is expansive, you can find and remove duplicate content using a tool like Copyscape.

Don’t Ignore SEO Best Practices

SEO is important for any eCommerce business that wants to rank well in search results and attract organic traffic. Following the steps above, you can optimize your Shopify store for better SEO. 

Contact DigitlHaus today to partner with a team of eCommerce experts and create a perfectly optimized Shopify store.

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