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Low Conversions, What Do I Do?

Sep 30, 2017

You’ve spent a lot of time and money crafting the perfect marketing campaigns and paid ads. You’re getting a lot more traffic on your website, yet no one’s really buying the products. Does this scenario sound familiar? You’re not alone. Low conversion rates is something our eCommerce clients struggle with frequently. BigCommerce says average eCommerce conversion rates only lies between 1-2% even if you’re doing everything correctly.

The average conversion rate, however, shouldn’t be your benchmark. While a lot of eCommerce businesses focus on boosting website traffic, they often neglect the most important part of their marketing strategy – conversion rate optimization. After all, what’s the point of bringing visitors to your website if you can’t convert them into buyers? Conversion rate also directly affects your ROI on advertising and helps to evaluate whether your money spent on advertising is yielding results.

As we repeatedly see the problem of low conversion rates among eCommerce business owners, we’ve put together some tips on how to improve them.


Your Copy Matters, a Lot.  

We’ve always heard that your headline represents 80% of the overall copy. Your headline is the attention grabber that triggers a potential client’s interest. If you only have a punchy headline but the rest of the written content is terrible, then you’ve only created a clickbait, which everyone loathes.

Concise and persuasive writing keeps your audience reading. Copywriting guru Joseph Sugarman says the purpose of an interesting headline is to keep you reading the first sentence, and the purpose of the first sentence is to keep you reading the next line and so forth. Every sentence, from your website copy to product descriptions, should be captivating enough to keep someone reading.

Avoid using jargon and wordy phrases. Remember – our attention span nowadays is shorter than that of a goldfish – so don’t lose your audience in lengthy writing.


Everyone Wants Free Shipping  

Let’s admit it – none of us wants to pay for shipping (as if UPS runs its business for free). As online consumers, we want to pay for the product but not anything extra. Sometimes we’d even purchase an extra item just to meet the minimum purchase for free shipping so we feel like we’re saving money.

Half of the online retailers offer free shipping. They do so not only because consumers love free shipping, but also because 61% consumers are likely to cancel the purchase if they have to pay for shipping. There’s no surprise why Amazon Prime’s doing so well.


Improve Your Page Speed 

A matter of 2 seconds can make or break your conversion rates. Our level of impatience is quite impressive, huh? 70% of online shoppers abandon their carts before checkout –  mostly because of slow load time. Radware tested the correlation between conversion and page speed by adding a 2-second delay to a business website. As a result, the 2-second delay caused a drastic 50% drop in conversions.

Making your page just 2 seconds faster, on the flip side, can double the number of completed transactions. Of course, page speed is not the only factor that causes cart abandonment. Having a checkout process that’s too complicated or having a checkout service that looks suspicious can also make people abandon the transaction.


Check Your Bounce Rate and Exit Rate 

Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing only one page. If you have a high bounce rate, the visitors either find your page uninteresting or irrelevant to what they need. Perhaps your landing page needs some significant improvements or you’re targeting the wrong audience with your ads.

Exit rate tells you the last page that the visitors view before they leave your website. If you see a high exit rate on a particular page, that’s a warning sign for you to carefully review if the page has anything wrong to drive people away.


Want to Learn More? 

We hope these tips to improve conversion rates are helpful to you. Please feel free to reach out to DigitlHaus if you have any questions or need any help. Leave us a message here.

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